Etage Deux

Etage Deux


Etagere - a part of Riches to Rags 2024

Eating is akin to art; an appealing presentation enhances its value. It‘s no wonder the German saying goes, „the eye eats first.“ Tiered trays aren‘t just for elaborately crafted petit fours or chocolates, but for everything. Even simple foods like an apple, or a piece of bread gain the significance they deserve when elevated on a tiered tray. The Etage pieces are made to celebrate and cherish food . These food stands are crafted from recycled plates and materials; we simply combine and connect them, breathing new life into each component.

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Sizes in height vary from 34 to 35 cm
Material: Tiered trays, old china and ash wood with hand pigmented resin inlays

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Etage Deux

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