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This is not wallpaper, this is art.

The collective reaction of the wallpaper industry in 1996 when they first saw our digital printed collection was one of disbelief. What is and is not art is not our main concern. What we do know is this: we love to transform spaces, walls and objects to bring joy and wonder to any space.

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Black & White

Our black and white collection where we play with this classic contrast to create trompe lóeil and camouflage patterns. These papers are often combined with fluorescent and/or bold colorways to counterbalance the severity.

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Brooklyn Craft

Crafty and experimental. Our Brooklyn Craft line plays with a range of raw materials to create a warm, unpretentious and artsy vibe.

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Digital Avantgarde

Three dimensional illusions are the basis of this visual world. These patterns shift the perception of any given space, making things appear larger, deeper, wider, or higher. They can even create the illusion of spaces that are not truly there.

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Graphic Edge

Clear cut designs that use two dimensional patterns to camouflage entire rooms to create optical effects.

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